App Review: Study and Learn Histology and Microbiology with USMLE-Rx Flashcards App!

By: Ravish Amin

Apps are a cool way to review for microbiology and histology. Computer-assisted learning materials for microbiology allow for the addition of illustrations, self-assessment questions, and greater interactivity for subjects which require visual theory and practical knowledge.

Need to constantly review images for histology or most common organisms using pictures? Try the Histology and Microbiology Slides and Images App which has flashcards of the most common cells types, organisms, as well as details about histology and microbiology theory.

This app has some unique highlights such as a “Faves Deck” study feature that allows you to single out only the cards that really give you trouble! Mastered topics can be added to your “Ignore List.” Shuffle, search, and flip features make this a truly interactive app. To help you really ace your class and board exams, get the USMLE-Rx Step 1 Flash Cards App and integrate FIRST AID microbiology question and answer slides to quiz yourself using the most high-yield content for board exams.

The app is similar to having a virtual textbook with you. Correlating structure with function, knowing the stains, and developing algorithms is necessary.

Download these free charts from the USMLE-Rx team.

First Aid Microbiology Tables:

These Tables were cut from the 2010 First Aid Edition:

Adult , Female , Child , E. Coli , HIV , Stats Table


Here are some sites to supplement your review with USMLE-Rx’s iPhone app and QMax:

1. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Interactive Histology Atlas

2. Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine –

3. Anatomy Atlas

4. Univ. of Florida Histology Tutorial

5. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Histology

6. The University of Western Australia Blue Histology

7. Georgetown Univ School of Medicine Histology



4 thoughts on “App Review: Study and Learn Histology and Microbiology with USMLE-Rx Flashcards App!”

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