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The Crazy Carpals: How to Remember Them All??

By Molly Lewis

So many wrist bones, so little time- how to remember them all? Try these mnemonics!

There are about a million mnemonics out there for the bones of your wrist (AKA carpals), some with higher moral standards than others :). Here are two to get you started:

So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb

Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid, Trapezium

o   through the 1st row from lateral to medial, and then through the 2nd row from medial to lateral

o   “Pinky” for Pisiform- the Pisiform is by the pinky!

o   “Thumb” for Trapezium- the Trapezium is by the thumb!

Bonus mnemonic:

o   Triquetrum doesn’t have a bone with a similar name (vs trapezoid and trapezium), so it doesn’t have another T in its row.

o   trapeziuM is by the thuMb, so trapezoid isn’t right next to the thumb!


Another excellent option comes courtesy of a blog follower: Shreejakb. Thanks for the suggestion!


“She Looks Too Pretty, Try To Catch Her”

Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum (AKA triquetral), Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate

The major difference between this mnemonic and the one above is the order of the bones.


Bonus mnemonic:

“drive a CAR with your CARpals, and walk on TAR with your TARsals”


I hope you enjoy these mnemonics, and they help you on your anatomy tests! (or for the rest of your life- go ortho!).

If you have another carpal bone mnemonic to share, post it below!




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