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Join the First Aid Express Videos Team!

Each year more than 150,000 students and physicians trust First Aid for the USMLE, USMLE-Rx Qmax, First Aid Flash Facts, and First Aid Express videos for critical exam prep and curricular coursework. We hope that you have also benefited from these resources, and we invite you to consider joining our outstanding author team to revise these iconic publications for future generations of learners.

Currently we are looking for authors who have experience lecturing and/or creating video lectures for the 2019 First Aid Express Step 1 Videos team, as well as a vested interest in the art of medical education. Being a part of the Express team is a great way to maintain and broaden your basic and clinical science knowledge, especially as it relates to your future medical career. Furthermore, you can enhance your CV and gain specific experience in medical education as part of your career path.

More specifically, the Express Videos project typically runs 4-6 months and has an average time commitment of 5-10 hours per week. All authors will start by October 1, and everything should be wrapped up by March 2019. Most current and past authors found that this project was flexible and accommodating for busy classroom and clinical schedules. In addition to the opportunity to improve education for medical learners worldwide, you will receive publication credit, a stipend, and a single subscription to the USMLE-Rx product of your choice. We value and reward creativity, innovation, hard work, diligence, and open collaboration. Successful authors may be promoted to lead future revisions of First Aid/USMLE-Rx publications.

If you are interested in joining, please click here to fill out the application form and provide:

  1. A brief statement of interest and qualifications, including long-term career goals
  2. Your USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 scores (if available)
  3. A current CV
  4. Sample(s) of your work including high-yield texts and notes, medical illustrations and drawings, flashcards, and video talks

All information will be kept confidential. Applications received by Monday, August 6th, will receive priority consideration. We will invite qualified candidates to develop or revise sample content and will also provide more details about potential roles and responsibilities.


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