Modeled after the successful Step 1 book, the new 10th edition of First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK provides all the high-yield information you need to pass the Step 2 CK exam. An accessible bulleted presentation of must-know diseases and disorders, coupled with useful study aids like mnemonics, key facts, and comparison tables, make this the perfect study tool. The new edition is available now!
First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, 10th Edition
90 thoughts on “First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, 10th Edition”
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Would you mind, I want the PDF of this Edition( USMLE Step 2)by my Email
Thanks for your feedback. Due to piracy concerns, we don’t offer PDF versions of our First Aid titles. However, we are exploring other ways of offering digital editions of these books.
Will there be a new edition of this coming out soon? As well as for CS?
Thank you for such amazing books!
I would like to get PDF version of this edition USMLE step 2. My email is
Hello! Thank you for all the amazing books you’ve released I don’t know what I would have done without them! I have purchased the 10th Ck book but cannot find the pdf anywhere! Can you please send it to me by email?
Hi Abdul! We don’t offer a PDF version of our First Aid titles due to piracy concerns. However, we are exploring the idea of a digital edition.
Can you at least offer a digital index for the book for quick search? It seems available for the step 1 book why not for step 2 as well?
Let us check with our editorial team. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thank you for such amazing books!
I would like to get PDF version of this edition USMLE step 2. My email is
Hi Mari! Unfortunately, we don’t currently offer a PDF version of our First Aid titles, due to piracy concerns. We are exploring other digital versions though.
why is first aid ck better than master the boards?
diferences vs 9th edition?
Is there an errata for this edition?
Hi Nicole: You can check out our errata pages here:
No official errata for the 10th edition has been posted yet.
Correction for the Step 2 CK 10th Ed. book, p. 280 – TIA within 6 months should not be listed as a contraindication for tPA.
Please note that the best way to submit mnemonics, suggestions, or potential errors is through our First Aid Team blog at These webforms go directly to our student authors and editors for review. For our digital products—Qmax, Flash Facts, and Express Videos—use the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down option to submit content-related questions.
The link to submit an erratum for this book is broken.
Thanks for letting us know, Leigh. The link has been updated!
Why does the FA Step 2 CK doens`t rate/recommend it self as a TOP-RATED REVIEW RESOURCE?
Hi! From where can I buy this book in India? I called up a couple of book stores in Delhi, they have they 6th edition which i guess i very old. I need the latest editions for step 2 CK and step 2 CS.
Have you tried Amazon?
When will the errata for this book be published?
When will the next edition is going to be released.
We typically publish new editions every three years, which means the next one can be expected in late 2021.
When the errata of this 10th edition will be available?
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