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Rx Bricks: New Interactive Images

Rx Bricks: New Interactive Images

Are you bad at interpreting pathology slides? No idea how to read a chest Xray? Turns out that’s probably not entirely your fault.

See, there’s not a ton of time dedicated to image interpretation in med school, and the conventional “arrow and label” approach has a TON of weaknesses.

We’ll do you one better: visually enhanced clinical images with overlays that specifically pop up on mouseover so there’s no ambiguity.

We’ve found ways to draw attention to the defining features that real clinicians use to diagnose disease – like the hematopoietic cells that distinguish a bone marrow embolus from a fat embolus.

But probably the coolest feature is the ability to switch to “quiz mode” – where you get to read images like real radiologists and pathologists do and receive immediate feedback on your interpretation!

It’s a big step forward training med students in the art and science of image interpretation, and a big part of our push to make the Rx Bricks a next-generation multimedia learning platform.

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