The Medical Student Alliance for Global Education, or MeSAGE, released its newest collection of Rx Bricks, devoted to “The New Educator.” This set of free and open access digital learning modules covers the critical area of medical education.
In this video, Madalina introduces you to “The New Educator,” the latest collection of Rx Bricks from MeSAGE: The Medical Student Alliance for Global Education. This set of free digital learning modules covers the critical area of Medical Education. In the world of medicine, every patient encounter can be seen as a teaching encounter.
Medical students learn early on that they must be able to educate patients and their families about diagnoses, lab tests, and treatments. As they become physicians and/or scientists, the opportunities and desire to teach often increase. But teaching is a skill that must be developed. The collection of New Educator bricks was created by an international team of young authors, and designed for anyone with an interest in teaching and medical education.
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