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App Review: VisualDx – A Free iPhone App for Differential Diagnosis of Medical Images

By: Ravish Amin


Reviewing images is a valuable learning technique for medicine and essential for making the right diagnosis. So, while there are many sources for reviewing images, a neat app for the iPhone called VisualDX features high yield images along with the ability to test your differential by including patient signs, symptoms, by and comparing medical images with your patient’s presentation (this feature is known as Validate). This app also allows you to search medication-induced diseases and has ICD-9 codes, vignettes, and a quick view feature.

Studying images for the board exam is essential if you are a visual learner. Many students “see and remember” patients, and it is essential for you to develop a strategy to help you answer exam questions that include images. Moreover, the ability to make an instant diagnosis by recognition of a rash, dermatological, or immunological disease will improve patient care. Essentially, reviewing an image involves more than making the diagnosis. Figuring out the cause, mechanism, organism, and treatment for illnesses are ways for you to become a better medical care provider.

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