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USMLE-Rx Step 1 Qmax Challenge #1446

Check out today’s Step 1 Qmax Question Challenge.

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A researcher is examining the different properties of anesthetic gases in a series of experiments. Each gas is determined to have a specific minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) and blood solubility. In the experiments, the MAC of a gas is defined as the end-expiratory concentration at which half of patients will not elicit a motor response to a standardized surgical incision. The inhaled anesthetic drugs A, B, C, and D have the properties indicated in the chart.

Which of the following statements best describes the properties of these drugs?

A. Drug A is more potent than drug D
B. Drug B is less soluble in blood than drug C
C. Drug C will have both the highest potency and the most rapid induction
D. Drug D will induce anesthesia more rapidly than drug C
E. Patients treated with drug B will recover more quickly from anesthesia than drug A


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This practice question is an actual question from the USMLE-Rx Step 1 Qmax test bank. For more USMLE Step 1 prep, subscribe to our First Aid Step 1 Flash Facts and First Aid Step 1 Express Videos video series. Score the best deal on all three products as a bundle with USMLE-Rx 360 Step 1.

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