By Ravish Amin
Social networking has taken gaming to a whole new level. Now, you can mix e-learning and games into your medical education.
Anatomy Arcade, a website that houses a collection of social games on topics of the human body is a fun, and educational, place to start. The creator, Ben Crossett, explained the app’s origin story:
“This mission was born of frustration with what I saw as a lack of truly engaging material in the area of anatomy and also a frustration as a teacher catching students wasting class time playing flash games every time they were in a computer lab. The catch phrase “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” sums up the decision I made; to investigate the potential of these “pesky” little games to invigorate the delivery of anatomical material to the teenage audience.”
Select your game by body system (cardiology, respiratory, muscular, and nervous) and by game type (crossword, word search and thorax jigsaw).
Some examples of games include: Respiratory System Crossword, Respiratory System Word Search, Circulatory System Crossword, Circulatory System Word Search, The Heart Crossword, The Heart Word Search and The Heart Jigsaw.
Visit for free anatomy games!
What games do you use to study medicine? Do you have ideas for games that you’d like to see included in USMLE-Rx? If so, let us know.